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Twilight Princess and Wind Waker HD Coming to Nintendo Switch

Long-Awaited Ports Finally Announced

After years of speculation and rumors, Nintendo has finally announced that The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD and The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD will be coming to the Nintendo Switch on October 18th, 2023. Both games will feature enhanced visuals and performance when played on the Switch, making them the definitive way to experience these classic adventures.

Twilight Princess

Originally released for the GameCube and Wii in 2006, Twilight Princess is a dark and atmospheric Zelda game that follows Link on his quest to save Hyrule from the Twilight Realm. The game features stunning visuals, challenging dungeons, and memorable boss battles. The Switch version of Twilight Princess will include all of the content from the original game, plus some new features such as support for the Switch's motion controls.

Wind Waker

Originally released for the GameCube in 2002, Wind Waker is a more lighthearted and whimsical Zelda game that follows Link on his quest to save his kidnapped sister. The game features a unique cel-shaded art style, vast oceans to explore, and a memorable cast of characters. The Switch version of Wind Waker will include all of the content from the original game, plus some new features such as support for the Switch's motion controls and a new Hero Mode difficulty.


The release of Twilight Princess HD and Wind Waker HD on the Nintendo Switch is a dream come true for fans of The Legend of Zelda. These classic games have been given a new lease on life, and they are now better than ever. Whether you're a longtime fan of the series or you're new to Zelda, these two games are essential additions to your Switch library.
