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Beatification Ceremony Held In Assisi

Carlo Acutis: On the Path to Sainthood

Beatification Ceremony Held in Assisi

Saturday's Event Marks a Significant Step Towards Sainthood

In a solemn ceremony held in Assisi on Saturday evening, the late Carlo Acutis was beatified, bringing him one step closer to sainthood. The young Italian, who died of leukemia in 2006 at the age of 15, was known as "God's influencer" for his devotion and technological prowess.

Acutis spent his short life spreading the word of God through digital means. He created a website dedicated to documenting Eucharistic miracles around the world and developed a multimedia exhibition on the saints. His unwavering faith and dedication to helping others have inspired countless people.

The beatification ceremony was broadcast live on EWTN and remains available on YouTube. The date for Acutis's eventual canonization, the final step towards sainthood, has not yet been determined.
